one day I'll leave this world.

I need you to hold my hand
and say
Don't worry, I'll be there for you

I need you to hold my hand
and say
Don't worry, I'll not leave you

And I need you to hold my hand
and say
Don't worry, I'll be happy.

that word will give me the support 
I always wanted to get
and that will give me the hope
that you'll be happy

My mind is dying day by day
and its wish is to take care of your happiness

one day I'll leave this world.
at that moment you should not cry for me.
because my scarifies don't mean it.

all I need is your happiness
may be that is with me
or without me.

Promise me that you'll be happy
then I'll happily leave this world.

one more word my dear

I Love You
I just can't stop loving you

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